ACTIVITY 9: Administration vs Management

 Task 2 

Name: Alejandro Sánchez Villanueva

What are the key differences between management and administration? Explain each of them in detail.

·         Difference by definition: Management is the act of managing people and their work for achieving an organization´s goal using its resources. Administration is an organized process of administering the management of an organization.

·         Extent difference: Management is exacting the discharge of policies. Administration is exacting the assurance of primary policies and objectives.

·         Working area: Management is a low and mid-ranked function (low, medium and top levels organizational). Administration is a high-ranked function.

·         Authority: Decisions of the management are controlled by the goals and policies. Administrative decisions are controlled by a common belief and other forces.

·         Changing factors: The management style of an organization also can be changed with the removal or employment of a new manager. Administrative procedure or policies are slower to change.

·         Focusing area: The management focuses to implement new ideas through research and innovative resources. The administration of an organization aims to fulfil all requirements.



Which is better, management or administration? Explain

Both are just as important, but if I have to choose one, I take the administration, I think it is the most important point and the basis of any company.

I also think that its functions are more important, it encourages the cooperation of personnel, resources, support among distributors of other companies, in my opinion it is complemented more with other economic factors and is what can define the success or failure of our company.



  1. Hi Alejandro!, I have checked your work, it is organized pretty well!
    If I can make a suggestion, I should add that:
    Management is exacting the discharge of policies and
    Administration is exacting the assurance of primary policies and objectives.
    But, at the final, when we needed to write about which of them is better, we shared the same idea... every organization should contain both, because with them, material and human resources are able to provide the best service/product, I cannot maximize any of the two.
    I read that you think the same, right?
    We can have an interesting talk about it, what do you think?

  2. Hello Alejandro, I just went on to tell you that your work seems very correct to me since we coincide in several parts both in administration and in management, I also like the way you put the information, great job.


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