Introduction to Accounting

Why do you think accounting is seen as boring? Explain.

I think that one of the reasons why it is considered boring is because it focuses a lot on repetitive tasks and this, for someone who does not have an accounting profession, can seem annoying or boring. Some persons also consider that accounting does not have a great impact on people's personal character.

Which of the jobs mentioned would be most interesting for you? Give your reasons.

The one that made me the most interesting was that of administrative accountant, since I think that it is one of the most important roles in any company, the one in charge of analyzing the financial statements, of the personnel as well as of the company.

Why is it so important for accountants to be ethical? Explain in detail.

First of all, professional ethics is something that we should all have, no matter what job or profession you have. I think it is important because accountants work with huge amounts of money and many other people depend on them and even the company they work for, it is also, important to mention the huge legal problem in which they could get involved.


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