Activity 13 Business Communication and Business


After watching the video, answer the following questions.

What is Managing information withing and outside the organization?

Information management (IG) is the conventional name of a set of processes by

which the life cycle of information is controlled, from its acquisition (by creation or

capture), to its final disposal (its filing or elimination).

What is the importance of it?

Information for greatest productivity, communications with the media, e-mail and

internet will continue to grow in use. the organization can be summarized as follows:

Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees.

What are the new technologies that companies have to manage for communications


• Voicemail

• Groupware

• Teleconferences

• Faxes

• Laptop computers

• Electronic spreadsheets

• Word processing programs to gather information

• E-mail

• Internet

• Telexes

Describe the role of technological discoveries throughout history.

• Telegraph and telephone marked beginning of information technology.

• In 1960 companies were attracted to computer technology.

• In the 70’s computer terminals were connected with mainframes and

computers were really expensive.

• Programmer were people with no expertise in business

• Development of fiber optics, local área networks, satellite teechnology,

fqacilitates the growth of information technology

• Desktop publishing capabilities, electronic spreadships word processing


What is the importance of technologies in the globalized business world?

It makes it easier for people to work from home, the use of new technologies, allows

greater flexibility and reduces work times.

Describe the use of the technologies in the communication field.

The most impact on the development of societies is the internet. it is the global

network that allows access to information from anywhere in the world and makes

communication possible from different places without the need to be face to face.

What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Electronic Communication?


• Being conscientious in

checking and

responding electronic


• Decide which

electronic system is

appropriate for the


• Organization of the


• Read all the words you

have used before

sending it.


• Don’t ignore

persistent questions

being asked online.

• Don’t assume that

your brand is safe

simply because it’s


• Do not send


information, or at

least avoid it as

much as possible

• Systems are

intended for printed

memos, not for



How have the Information & communication technologies changed the structure of

business organizations?

• Technology has loosened the strings that bind the traditional company

• Telecommuting lets people work where it is more convenient

• Can boost profits

• From home computers to car phones is easy to feel like you’re always “plugged


• Respond instantly to every message whether you’re at home, business trip or on


What are the legal and Ethical implications of the use of technologies?

• Has the potential to exalt or debase the people

• Threatens privacy

• Invasion of privacy

• Collects a lot of information

• Monitors the exact time of employees


  1. Hello just to tell you that your answers seem very correct and that I share many points of view with you


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